Wow moving is hard! I knew it was going to be hard, but I don't think I really knew. It's good to be here and hard to be here. We've felt pretty homesick to be honest. I know it's all going to take some time though. Our ward here has been great and very welcoming - it's just hard. It's hard to leave what you know so well and all the comforts and people who have been such a huge part of your life. And come to a place of all new things and people and feeling totally out of your comfort zone.
The first week here we stayed with family (we are so lucky that we have family here). We went into DC one day and did a museum. We hung out at a very amazing park but mostly just enjoyed hanging out together. Thanks Dave and Jenn! Beck's 1st Birthday was the day we flew out. We sang to him on the airplane, I think :) We are going to make his cake very very soon and when I do, I will post pictures. Here are some pictures of the latest happenings.